Van der Meeren, A., Monti, P., Lebaron-Jacobs, L., Marquette, C. and Gourmelon, P. Characterization of the Acute Inflammatory Response after Irradiation in Mice and its Regulation by Interleukin 4 (Il4). Radiat. Res. 155, 856–863 (2001).
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of total-body irradiation of mice on the acute release of a panel of several mediators of inflammation and to evaluate the efficacy of Il4 in regulating these radiation-induced modifications. We studied the effects of exposure of C57BL6/J mice to 8 Gy γ rays on the early release of cytokines, chemokines, acute-phase proteins, prostaglandins and corticosterone in either plasma or tissues compared to those observed after intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide from 1 h to 3 days after stimulation. During the characterization of the acute inflammatory response induced by radiation or lipopolysaccharide, we observed differences both in the type of mediators produced and in the time course of release. We next determined the anti-inflammatory potential of Il4 in this model of total-body irradiation. We found that Il4 was able to down-regulate the radiation-induced production of mediators of inflammation such as Gro1 (also known as KC, N51) in plasma and lung, corticosterone in blood, Il1b in lung, and prostaglandin E2 in colon, suggesting the anti-inflammatory potential of Il4 in regulating the radiation-induced response.